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15 Dec
Posted by boredandblogging as linux, planetgeorgia, planetubuntu, ubuntu
As some might now from being involved in user groups, O’Reilly has a program where they provide copies of any of their books in exchange for reviews.
Initially, if LoCos put up a link to the O’Reilly site (like the Ohio LoCo has done), they will send you a free book.
The books can be a great tool in marketing LoCos.
See the O’Reilly User Group site for more info:
Are there other publishers that have similar programs?
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One Response
Tony Yarusso
December 15th, 2007 at 10:50 am
1Apress does as well - Note that O’Reilly’s program includes a number of subsidiary labels too. Now we just need a program for Prentice Hall that gets LoCo members a discount on the Official Ubuntu Book…
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