Finally Upgraded to WordPress 2.3.1

planetubuntu, technology — Tags: , , , , — boredandblogging @ 3:54 am

I’ve been avoiding updating this blog from WordPress 2.2 to 2.3.1. Not that I had made so many changes that would make upgrading difficult, but I just didn’t want to deal with the hassle. Picking a theme was tough enough for me, but I needed to upgrade with all the security fixes coming out.

I finally sat down and went through the process.

Boy, was it easy.

It took longer to download and unzip WordPress and the plugins than doing the upgrade. Having used the Ultimate Tag Warrior to tag all my posts, I was afraid the new tagging functionality in WordPress would screw it up. Instead, the WordPress tag import worked flawlessly and I had no changes to make. There were updates available for all the plugins and those upgrades went smoothly.

No wonder Movable Type is eager to go open source.

Creating AdSense Widgets in WordPress

technology — Tags: , — boredandblogging @ 1:00 am

Recently I attempted to create a WordPress widget for an AdSense Firefox referral image ad in a widget-ready theme. I was quite surprised how easy it was. It may not be the best code ever, but it got the job done. Here is a quick run-down of how I did it.

Assuming you already have the Google AdSense unit code, create a file like <root directory>/wp-content/themes/<specific theme>/widgets/ff_ad.php and put your unit code in it. You will probably have to create the widgets directory under your specific theme. So the AdSense code in ff_ad.php should look something like this:


Then in the <root directory>/wp-content/themes/<specific theme>/function.php, add this:


At this point, the widget should show up in the list of available widgets for the theme.

Thats it.

Picking a Blog Theme

planetubuntu, technology — Tags: , , , — boredandblogging @ 11:02 pm

Why is it so hard for me to pick a theme for my WordPress blog? I have probably spent quite a few hours this past week, just staring at the huge variety of themes out there. I had been using the Barecity theme for some time now. Its absolutely clean, lets you concentrate on content, and has no distractions. Adding thumbnails of my Flickr images did provide some needed color. Eventually it just seemed bland.

I started thinking about what I was looking for in a theme:

  • Clean (not cluttered at least)
  • Minimal graphics
  • Some color, preferably bright (but nothing crazy)
  • Easy to modify

Now, that is a whole lot to ask for, but I figured I would hopefully find a couple that would interest me. So I just started looking around.

The WordPress Theme Viewer is one of the best resources around. I downloaded a few and tried them out. Having done some minor CSS and Javascript work a while ago for my day job, I quickly remembered why I could never make it as a web designer. CSS is its own beast and trying to modify someone else’s stylesheets to work in Firefox, IE6/7, and Opera, is time consuming and practically impossible. Granted, there are probably better tools than the “Edit CSS” tool in the Firefox Web Developer add-on, but I wasn’t looking to spend that much time on it.

To make a long story short, I eventually settled on what you see here. If the theme seems familiar, its the theme used at Blogging Pro. I like the blue and orange colors and didn’t have to make a whole lot of changes besides moving around some content on the sidebars.

Then I moved on to getting my tumblelog to match my blog somewhat. If you haven’t heard of tumblelogs, its just a way of aggregating things that you find interesting. So if you have lots of different accounts at sites like, flickr, Google Reader, etc, its an interesting way of letting others know what caught your attention. There are plenty of sites that do this, I’ve been using tumblr.

We’ll see how long I stick with this theme before I get tired of it and start searching again.

Links for May 3rd, 2007 through June 4th, 2007

random, technology — Tags: , , — boredandblogging @ 10:22 pm

How Scoble Reads 622 Feeds a Day

technology, ubuntu — Tags: , , , , — boredandblogging @ 10:29 pm

Tim Ferriss has video interview of how the famous Robert Scoble reads such a large number of feeds on a daily basis using Google Reader. The keyboard shortcuts and “river of news” (which most news readers provide) make it easy to scan through so many feeds.

To catch Robert’s attention, he does a quick mental check: good headlines are a necessity and the content should be link heavy. Link density shows that research has been done and hopefully there is some analysis and an unique point of view. Images are helpful because the readers slow down to look at them. Sites like TechCrunch have gotten popular for including graphics in every post.It’s an interesting conversation of balance between reading lots of different bloggers and other blogs who aggregate and filter for their readers. In a way this is related to the new that has gone live recently. Right now it’s set up to read feeds from sites of approved LoCos, but should it take in blogs of community members of those LoCos who are not CC approved members yet? Does that open up a can of worms? What would happen if a post is made violating the Code of Conduct? Does opening up the planet create an administration nightmare? Or should non-members use other planets like

Links for April 7th, 2007 through April 15th, 2007

random — Tags: , , , , , — boredandblogging @ 7:29 pm

Links for April 5th, 2007

random — Tags: , , — boredandblogging @ 12:40 am

Links for April 4th, 2007

random — Tags: , , , , , — boredandblogging @ 12:53 pm
  • Speech by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin: Real Reasons and Acceptable Reasons - “I don’t know that one could say that folks like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson led balanced lives. Any rational cost/benefit analysis would tell you to stay out of a quarrel with the mother country, and let other people deal with it! Who today would talk about pledging their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to a cause?” - (tags: [tag]philosophy[/tag])
  • People have no idea why they’re doing what they’re doing - (37signals) - Clotaire Rapaille believes all purchasing decisions lie beyond conscious thinking and emotion and reside at a primal core. He helps Fortune 500 companies discover the code (i.e. unconscious associations for their products) that will help them increase sales. - (tags: [tag]business[/tag] [tag]psychology[/tag])
  • Because buying new running shoes is more fun than actually running | 43 Folders - “there’s a big difference between buying new running shoes and actually hitting the road every morning. Big difference. One is really fun and relaxing while the other requires a lot of hard work, diligence, and sacrifice.” - (tags: [tag]philosophy[/tag])
  • All the glory of the universe, in a single Flash app - A Nikon flash app that shows how tiny humans are in terms of the universe. - (tags: [tag]philosophy[/tag])
  • Web 2.0 mind-map - A very impressive mind-map of everything important in web 2.0. - (tags: [tag]web[/tag])
  • Adobe: Google’s Best Kept Secret Enemy « Tom?s Blog - “Whose version will Java developers buy? I don’t know, but whoever wins this battle will pull ahead in the enterprise space as all the Java-heads will preach that technology solution to those who sign their paychecks.” - (tags: [tag]web[/tag] [tag]software[/tag])

Links for April 3rd, 2007

random — Tags: , , , , — boredandblogging @ 8:43 pm

Links for April 2nd, 2007

random — Tags: , , — boredandblogging @ 7:45 pm
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