Links for May 8th, 2008
- The heron has landed: a review of Ubuntu 8.04: Page 1 - “This release is disappointing because it falls short of what was promised, but it still delivers a lot of value for experienced users who will be able to work around the weaknesses…”
- Moving to Ubuntu | A Wor[l]d of Mentations - “My overall experience in these past days using Ubuntu has been really incredible and I would suggest each and every Windows user to atleast try Ubuntu using Wubi..”
- — Meet The Hardy Heron: What’s New in Ubuntu 8.04 - Background on Ubuntu and its development and the Ubuntu Massachusetts LoCo gets a plug.
- Why many MCSEs won’t learn Linux | Paul Murphy | - “Basically, to learn Unix you learn to understand and apply a small set of key ideas and achieve expertise by expanding both the set of ideas and your ability to apply them - but you learn Windows by working with the functionality available in a specific release.”