Computers as Commodities, UDS, Hardy Heron Vision, and New Visuals
- Have computers finally become consumer commodities? - “The true test of whether computers have finally become consumer commodities is whether Walmart shoppers are capable of ignoring years of Microsoft marketing hype and give the Everex a try.” - (tags: ubuntu )
- Ubuntu Developer Summit lays out vision for strong Hardy Heron release - Primary goal for the Hardy: make existing features more usable and robust rather than adding a lot of new functionality. Also PolicyKit integration, improving Tracker integration. - (tags: ubuntu )
- Ubuntu to get visual refresh with Hardy Heron - “Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth hopes to converge the style and appearance of the desktop and mobile Ubuntu environments.” New default Ubuntu theme, new installer and boot splash pictures, new icon theme. - (tags: ubuntu )
- CrunchBang ~ Changing Bootup and Console Screen Resolutions - - (tags: ubuntu software )
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