August Ubuntu Georgia US Team Meeting
Saturday afternoon, the Ubuntu Georgia US Team held its third face to face meeting at a local pizza joint. Some of the usual characters showed up like Tim Jagenberg, Joshua Chase (our new marketing manager), and Bill Weber (the infamous compiledkernel). We were also introduced to Jon Reagan, our newest LoCo coordinator, who has done a great job running our weekly meetings, and setting up the August meet.
A welcome addition to the team, Rick Clark, the new lead of the Server Team, brought us Feisty CDs and stickers from the recent Gutsy sprint.
The meeting announcement was cross-posted to the ALE (Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts) mailing list and several of its members joined us. Rick will be doing an Ubuntu presentation at an ALE meeting in the near future. We hope this is the beginning of a great relationship between the Ubuntu LoCo and LUGs around the state of Georgia.
Among the many topics discussed, planning has begun for a Gutsy release party and install fest.
This will unfortunately be the last time many of us see Tim, as he will be returning to Germany to continue his schooling. Good luck Tim!