Wow, rules!
Ok, I’ve been eyeing for some time now. Frankly, I was getting tired of downloading and installing new releases every few weeks. Of course if I kept up with backups diligently, it wouldn’t be a big mess if a security issue compromised my blog. Lets be serious though, everyone knows how important backups are, but does everyone have a backup plan? Yeah, right. So, I was looking for a hosted service.
Wordpress’s best feature by far is its community. Folks turn out awesome themes and plugins constantly. And every now and then, I tried out some themes and random plugins. I’d always change themes depending on my mood. Finally I decided I needed to find a simple theme that I could be ok with and not want to change a whole lot. Ok, so I needed a hosted service with some simple themes.
I wanted my own domain as well. Wasn’t thrilled at the idea of having That is so 1990’s.
Obviously does most of these things very well. I use my domain for email and doesn’t allow for email and the blog to be on the same domain. Of course I could just ditch my email and give WP control of my domain. Umm, no. Using isn’t so bad.
The auto-saving of drafts is an awesome feature and the dashboard overall is a nice upgrade to the standard wp installation.
This is my first post using and I’m thrilled!
Go get the Flock browser and you will love WP even more!