My favorite Ubuntu project is SpreadUbuntu. Even though I’ve never been directly involved with the folks working on it, its a project that I keep an eye on.
No matter how good Ubuntu is, no matter how fast Ubuntu boots, no matter how beautiful it is, without some heavy duty marketing, Linux is going to have a hard time getting that mass market appeal. Of course some folks don’t care about that (or hope it never becomes mainstream). I’m not one of those people.
Thats why projects like SpreadUbuntu need as much as love as possible.
What does this have to do with Global Jam? There is plenty of material on SpreadUbuntu that can be used to promote the Global Jam, but they are mostly with the old branding.
We need more material with the new colors!
Look at what David Rubin posted the Ubuntu-za is using to promote the Ubuntu Global Jam:
That is some serious hotness.
If your LoCo is creating promotional material for the Global Jam with the new branding, make sure to upload the originals to SpreadUbuntu!
And if you want to get involved with SpreadUbuntu, check out the wiki.