My favorite Ubuntu project is SpreadUbuntu. Even though I’ve never been directly involved with the folks working on it, its a project that I keep an eye on.
No matter how good Ubuntu is, no matter how fast Ubuntu boots, no matter how beautiful it is, without some heavy duty marketing, Linux is going to have a hard time getting that mass market appeal. Of course some folks don’t care about that (or hope it never becomes mainstream). I’m not one of those people.
Thats why projects like SpreadUbuntu need as much as love as possible.
What does this have to do with Global Jam? There is plenty of material on SpreadUbuntu that can be used to promote the Global Jam, but they are mostly with the old branding.
We need more material with the new colors!
Look at what David Rubin posted the Ubuntu-za is using to promote the Ubuntu Global Jam:
That is some serious hotness.
If your LoCo is creating promotional material for the Global Jam with the new branding, make sure to upload the originals to SpreadUbuntu!
And if you want to get involved with SpreadUbuntu, check out the wiki.
]]>The Ubuntu Global Jam is coming up soon. Its a great event for LoCos to get involved in. LoCos can use it recruit new members, bond, and most importantly: have fun. The template for setting up such an event should be relatively painless: pick a date, find a free location with wifi (coffeeshops, library), and advertise like crazy.
Advertising is key. Post every couple of days to the mailing lists (the LoCo list, LUGs, other open source user groups around you), post it on your Facebook wall, put it on the your LoCo Facebook page and create a Facebook event for it, post it to your LoCo forums, post it on the LoCo Directory, tweet/dent and then retweet/redent about it regularly. If there are LUG meetings (or any other open source group meetings like Python, PHP, Drupal, etc) between now and the date of your Jam, show up and pitch it to them in person. And of course, blog!
The wiki has great documentation on how to run jams.
I thought we should look at what Ubuntu Global Jams look like:
And if you do your Ubuntu Global Jam right, it will deteriorate rather quickly (hopefully):
Any questions?
]]>I’m doing an Ubuntu desktop presentation at Lanier Technical College (Forsyth Campus, Cummings, GA) on January 28th, 6:30pm, Room A237.
The LUG at LTC is just getting off the ground. Most of the members are very new to Linux. Joshua Roberts has been working hard getting everything in place, everything from setting up cached repositories, to organizing presentations which cover the command line and system management.
Kudos to LTC for taking the leap.
]]>Happy New Year to everyone in the Ubuntu, Linux, and open source world. Hope 2009 was good for everyone, and wishing 2010 is even better!
]]>Kicking off in a few hours in Dallas…
Click above to listen to the greatest TV intro ever.
]]>The Ubuntu Georgia LoCo and ALE will be holding an Ubuntu 9.10 install fest at ITT-Tech Atlanta.
Saturday, November 21st, 2009, 9am-5pm
ITT Tech
1745 Phoenix Blvd # 100
Atlanta, GA
Enter the ITT Tech building at the north end, front doors on the east side are kept locked on the weekends.
Excuse the lack of quality in that video.
Josh and I started The Linux Podcast shortly after starting Ubuntu Podcast, but we would never find the time to do them. If you have ever watched the Ubuntu Podcast, we have complained plenty about video editing and all that.
While I know Linux and FOSS supporters will hate this, but I think I’ll stick with Flash for now. I’m going to skip the recording with the camera, transferring, editing, uploading, etc, etc. I’m just going to record directly to YouTube and slap it on Frankly, the less work that I have to do to put it out, the more likely I will put shows.
If you can’t see the embedded flash, visit
]]>Josh just told me about this and I ran across Jorge’s dent about Hulu packaging Fedora and Ubuntu clients for their desktop application.
One step closer to disconnecting cable.
]]>For Atlanta Linux Fest 2009 and UbuCon Atlanta 2009, Mark was kind enough to sit down with us and announce Ubuntu 10.04: Lucid Lynx.
If you can’t see it, click here.
Watch the video at