Congratulations to Dave Bush and Kenny McHenry, who have been working tirelessly on the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter for months now, on becoming Ubuntu members!
Also, Chris Crisafulli, of the Florida Team, became a member. He will be taking their LoCo to a whole new level!
Some notes from the January 2009 Team Reports:
- Japanese Team held the “Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo” which included an install fest and various sessions.
- Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop Course is available în Romanian, more at:
- Chris Crisafulli (itnet7) has taken over leadership of the Florida Team.
- opened, with feeds in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Danish Ubuntu-planets and more.
- New Mexico LoCo prepared to install mesh network or the EPC project (actually, read David Thomas’s blog entry about the work they ended up doing)
- Tunisian Team migrated 180 PCs to Ubuntu as part of ENIS Event.
- Greek Team released second issue of Ubuntistas.
Billy Cina sent out the following email to the loco-contacts mailing list:
This email is being sent to you in the hope that you will forward and
spread the word to all Ubuntu loco members in your team.
Canonical has recently signed up two new training partners in the U.S. -
Fast Lane and Bridge Education. Both companies are already providing
Ubuntu training courses across the U.S., details of which you can find
As a special introduction offer and simply because they think we, well
you, are wonderful individuals, they are offering a 10% discount to any
Ubuntu loco member who takes a course over the next 6 months.
I notice that Bridge Education is already promoting Ubuntu on its front page.

Twittersheep is a web app that creates a tag cloud of what followers of a Twitter user talk about. The above is mine.
Think I need some more variety in my followers
The Linux and Ubuntu references are understandable, but love and lover?!? Wonder which of my followers have been talking about that.
And yes, I do use Actually, thats how I post over to Twitter.

We recorded this episode a little while ago, but real life got in the way and just got around posting it.
In this episode:
- Ubuntu usability testing
- 8.04.2 released
- French pushing Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Developer Week
- etc, etc, etc
We dent and tweet out when we are about to stream live. If you want to know when that happens, follow or
Oooh, Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 4 is out as well!

Congrats to Christophe Sauthier, the newest member of the Ubuntu Hall of Fame!
4K helps run the French Team and is involved in the MOTU community.
If you are wondering why some people refer to Christophe as 4K, then you probably missed out news on the last French Team release party.
Well done, 4K!